Stephen King’s Needful Things:part one

I was probably ten years old when I first picked up a copy of this book. The look of absolute disapproval from the librarian told me this was most certainly the best choice I ever could have made (I know, such a rebellious child). I loved reading very much before this book but once I read this, I fell in love with the art of writing.

When a person says they would sell their soul to own something, what exactly does that mean? Well King most certainly delves into this subject with this novel. How far will a human go, what lengths will they go through?

So basically, the story starts off in the small town of Castlerock, Maine (the center point of a few of King’s books). Everyone who’s ever lived in a small town knows when a new store opens, the locals are going to be curious. What makes this an amazing story is our lead, Leland Gaunt. Throughout the book when he’s making his deals with his customers, you can feel how wonderful of a master manipulator he is. Mr. Gaunt comes to this sleepy little town and most certainly causes some explosive fireworks between the hometown folks.

Small towns are always full of whispers and rivalries between people. The thing that captivated me me most about this book is that King wrote it so fluently and so outstanding that it makes you believe that these situations could actually happen. Ok, that’s enough for now, we shall dig quite a bit deeper next time. To be continued…….

Mario Puzo’s The Godfather: part two

Ok, so we have made it through two characters and now let’s do some more. Next up is Don Vito.

Now Don Vito’s character is a stunning, very complex one. Here you have this man, who comes to America dirt poor and now is the very picture of what the American dream is. He is a family man, yet a ruthless decision maker in the world of Cosa Nostra. He is the loving hand of a father when you need shelter from the harsh world, yet would not hesitate to have someone murdered. This is one of the best characters in a novel! There are just so many layers to Vito. He makes the reader question themselves, could I do these horrific things? Is it really out of love or selfishness? Personally, I think the love is there but with an extremely healthy dose of fear. Puzo absolutely nailed this character with all of his complexity and the ability to make the reader connect with a man who is a whole lot of bad.

Sonny. Ah, Sonny. Who didn’t cry when Sonny was gunned down in this book? Even though he had a temper and frequently let it influence quite a few bad decisions, we love Sonny. Violent, hot headed, and cheating on his wife, we still love him. Why? Because despite all his flaws, Sonny has so much loyalty for those he loves. What does he do when his sister’s husband beats her? He almost kills her husband. And that right there is why Sonny will always be one of the most treasured characters in The Godfather.

I’ve went through some of the main characters, but there are so many more than I won’t go on about so this doesn’t drag on. Let’s get to this story. This astounding story of a family who is just like or families in so many ways. This book was so groundbreaking for it’s time because this was the first glimpse into Cosa Nostra we had that involved not just the family business, but the family itself. The dynamics of all the characters come together to mold a story so riveting that most of us read it in flash. I was probably twelve when I first read this novel and I was absolutely captivated by it’s engaging storyline and fascinating characters. The tale of a man, who came to America and wanted better for his family. The greed, anger, love and heartbreak. All of these things made this book one of my favorites. Don’t know about you, but I can read it, love it, and read it about a hundred more times.

So this was my first “blog”. It was short but I’ll get better. Stick with me and let’s explore the different worlds and adventures we can take. Leave comments and let’s talk about it! Thanks and stay tuned for Needful Things by Stephen King!

Mario Puzo’s The Godfather: part one

So I imagine that most everyone has saw this theatrical genius of a movie. Pacino is a powerhouse in this movie, but how many have actually picked up the novel to read it?

Puzo is an absolute master at storytelling, his story and characters flow just flow so freely through the mind as you’re reading this book. This story is about redemption for your family, love, greed, lust, hate, and just plain business.

Let us start with characters. One difference is the details of Luca Brasi. Enforcer for the Corleone family, portrayed in the film as this almost lovable character because of his loyalty. He seems to be somewhat slow but steadfast in his love for Don Vito. Now in the novel, Luca was a bit more evil than portrayed in the film. There is a scene in which Luca murders a prostitute after she gives birth to his child. He forces the midwife to throw the newborn into a furnace. Huge difference between the novel and book. We could almost forgive him for killing the enemies of The Family, but a newborn? So good thing they left that out of the movie. Luca was an excellent character though, a fan favorite.

Now Michael. Here is a character that we adore. This wholesome war hero that does unimaginable things to protect his loved ones. Puzo makes us feel we are Michael, or have the potential to be. I love a novel that makes me question myself, could I harm others to protect my loved ones? Could I really cross that line? The answer is an uncomfortable yes and that makes us connect with Michael on a deep level. The excellence of this character is it does make us connect and makes us feel as if this could absolutely be us in some way or another. Just a beautiful, genius character from Puzo!

Alrighty, we’re in no way done here, so to be continued……

Beautiful words and such

If you’re anything like me (a nerdy,awkward person more comfortable with a book than people), then you feel the absolute magic when you open the first page of a book. The anticipation of living vicariously through the characters splashed across the pages sends this lightning bolt of thrill through me. The wonderment we feel as we go through what each character feels, it is truly beautiful. People such as myself have this bond with books. They are not just characters on the page, they are our friends, our hope, love, happiness, sadness, anger. A terrific book will make me feel as if I know the characters and they have been personal friends all of my life. I am in no way a critic, I just have this urge to talk about what I love most in life.

Books are a beautiful escape from reality. The world is filled mostly with unhappy endings, so books make it where maybe, just maybe, I can feel a happier one. I can be anything I want while I’m enshrined inside the pages of a book. I am a gangster, lover, I am supernatural, I am sunshine and rain, I am whatever I want for the time I am reading. So here’s my blog where I discuss my most treasured items in the entire universe. I hope you enjoy this and maybe it will encourage you to be the person you want, even if it is only an hour at a time.